
To start a successful DevOps journey like anything else your organization needs a clear vision an anchored plan, and both short term and long term strategy.

We have made this journey many times and know all the pitfalls, we know how to implement as we value a learning process around this implementation. We help you to create, develop, and do continuous improvement of your DevOps plan. 


Have no DevOps plan ...

In the first step towards DevOps we help your team or organisation to understand why DevOps is so importnat and nessesary to your organization ....

Have a DevOps plan but ...

Through one or a couple of workshop we together with the teams show how to implement Devops in the best way and anchor it with your organization...

Are stuck in our DevOps plan ...

Our expert consultants realize the new DevOps plan by merging it with your current processes, re-architecht solution, implement new tools and work improve DevOps culture ...

Have all, but we want more ...

We have all, new Mindset, Agile team, Release pipeline CI/CD, Automated test, and a lot of tools when it comes to monitoring but we want to take us to the next level of DevOps by moving slowly to the Cloud and need a Cloud strategy tight to the DevOp principle.


SAFe DevOps practitioner


SAFe DevOps Practitioner

12-13 Nov

SAFe DevOps practitioner


SAFe DevOps Practitioner

21-22 Jan

SAFe DevOps practitioner


SAFe DevOps Practitioner

18-19 Mars


Afshin Mohammadi

Breakfast seminar

DevOps at Scania 2019 April 16

Come and listen to how Scania adopt and implement DevOps.

It will be a lot of good stuff to take away, like Roadmap, strategy, and team-building around a DevOps implementation. 

Celsius gatan 10, Stockholm

2019, April 16,  08:00 - 09:00

Afshin Mohammadi


Agile > DevOps 2018 Dec 04

Come and listen to how the Agile way of working and merging it with the DevOps principle can change your ability to deliver fast and with higher quality. 


It will be a lot of good stuff to take away, like, strategy, Roadmap ...

Quality Hotel Friend arena, Stockholm

2018 Dec 04,  08:00 - 09:00

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